You could upgrade your Daemons to newest stable Qwertycoin 5.0.1. -Hunter (package manager) -Added configuration file for Hunter (package manager) -Changed Boost version to 1.66.0 -Added polly submodule with cmake toolchains for cross compilation -Build all targets by default -Improved build times You need Cmake Version >= 3.10 You can easily update your cmake with this guide: My recommended approach: 0) Before shutdown your running services do the steps 1 - 7 (For minimize downtimes) 1) Create a new folder on your server 2) Go to this folder: git clone --recurse-submodules 3) Go to ./qwertycoin 4) Create folder build 5) navigate in ./build 6) cmake .. and wait a few minutes Reason: Qwertycoin is introduce a new own package manager for cmake and boost and all other needed libraries. It's an all in one installer It will download all necessary Qwertycoin build files to $HOME/.hunter and start compile Qwertycoin Package. 7) After everything is done you can build your Daemon with this Command: cmake --build . --config Release If all went well, it will complete successfully, and you will find all your binaries in the ./build/src directory. After this you can shutdown your old Daemon and replace it with the new compiled Daemon. Note: Qwertycoind was renamed to qwertycoind and the default Folder for the Blockchain is now Qwertycoin instead of Qwertycoin-v4 or other naming. Change your old Qwertycoin-v4 Folder to Qwertycoin before start the new Daemon. If you receive any issue while import the previous blockchain on your device you can replace the blocks.bin and blockindexes.bin with bootstrap file: If errors occur please contact us and we will help you with the implementation.